Accommodationbase for refugees! An appeal to people of good will
The Sanctuary of Divine Providence in cooperation with the parish Caritas team and in agreement with The Institute of Pope John Paul II in the building of the Institute at 1 Hlonda St. will provide 15 temporary accommodation places for refugees from Ukraine.
At the same time, we are working on creating a database of people / families that could host refugees for a longer period of time.
Anyone who could host the family of refugees from war-torn Ukraine, please contact us by phone on +48 22 201 97 10, open from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
We are also looking for people who could provide emergency assistance to Ukrainian refugees:
• take someone for a meal,
• provide a short rest,
• provide access to a shower/bathroom.
Our appeal is directed primarily to the residents of Wilanów and its vicinity.
In addition, we are looking for drivers with cars that can help with the transport of people and their belongings. You can contact us by calling +48 22 201 97 10.
The project can be supported with a cash payment to the bank account of Caritas in Wilanów
Account number: 34 1090 1043 0000 0001 4739 1254
with the annotation “Aid for refugees”.
Thank you wholeheartedly for all your help!